Friday, October 12, 2012

They're ba-aaaaaack!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love this time of year.  Pumpkins on the doorsteps, trips to the apple orchards.... a bowl of Franken Berry cereal for breakfast....

These three tasty General Mills cereals debuted in the early 70's - Count Chocula, Boo Berry, and Franken Berry.  They all have delicious marshmallow bits in them and were the first flavored cereals of their kind.

I remember enjoying these in my youth in the 80's. I think they came with stickers or something. Those were the good old days when you'd get a prize in your cereal box. These Halloween themed cereals are very difficult to find any other time of the year, so now that I'm older I know better and stock up!

Looking at the nutrition labels,  I was surprised to see that there's no more than 10 grams of sugar a serving. You mean to tell me there's more sugar in my strawberry greek yogurt than there is in a serving of Franken Berry?  Goodbye,  Chobani!!!   ( Just kidding,  Chobani. You know I'm gonna pick you up again once my box of Boo Berry is all gone. )

Count Chocula is available year-round in most supermarkets. But to celebrate the return of the other two,  I will be posting recipes this month that include these nostalgic delights :)

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